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Chuck Wood
Chuck wood was born in Tyler, Texas (the year remains in dispute as far as I'm concerned) but somehow made his way to Los Angeles where he attended Los Angeles City College.
His first records were for Warner Bros. One exceedingly bizarre one called Paula BunyanWe believe that it was customary for singers under contract with WB also to be put under contract as actors, and this appears to be what happened with him. Wood appeared in the Tarzan TV series, in the films Beau Geste and The Sins of Rachel Cade, among many other appearances.
Is he still alive? Not clear on that either. A Tyler Texan named Chuck Wood is dead, but the date of birth just doesn't match up to the other ages that are given in various articles about him - unless he looked decades younger than he really was. This may not be right, but if not im sure someone will tell me.
If you know any more about Chuck Wood Please let us all know
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