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They did have the advantage of having

Arctic chose to follow up the group's success with 'Help Wanted' in September of 1965. Penned by soul legends Kenny Gamble (who recorded his own records for Arctic) and Leon Huff (who had recorded for Jamie), 'Help Wanted' is another storming dancer, with more of the group's trademark harmonies and a fantastic chorus. 'Help Wanted' would also reappear as a b-side later on.
The fourth Arctic single (from November of 1965) is at least in Northern Soul circles their best remembered. Another Carl Fisher tune, '(It's Against) The Laws of Love' features a great vocal by Jones, Motown inspired horns (check out that baritone sax), more vibes by Montana and a great beat.
The flip side is an instrumental dub of the tune. Ironically, though '(It's Against) The Laws of Love' managed to make it all the way to 179 in the recent Northern Soul Top 500, it was the worst selling of the Volcanos 45s for Arctic. There wasn't to be another Volcanos 45 until June of 1966. 'A Lady's Man' is another storming dancer, co-written by Jimmy Bishop and Kenny Gamble. 'Help Wanted' makes another appearance on the b-side.
The Volcanos were to have one last shot on Arctic. In November of 1966, their last 45 for the label 'You're Number 1', co-written by Eddie Holman and James Soloman was released with 'Make Your Move' making it's third and last appearance on the flip. 'You're Number One' is one of the best/poppiest tunes in the Volcanos catalogue, and it's easy to imagine Eddie Holman recording his own version. It has a stellar arrangement and even sports a modest drum-break toward the end of the song.
The period after the last Arctic single is where the Volcanos story becomes confusing. Many of their Arctic singles bear the mark 'A Dynodynamic Production', the trademark of the Harthon team of Weldon McDougall III, Luther Randolph and Johnny Stiles who recorded and leased tracks to many labels including Arctic. At some point the Volcanos recorded two 45's for Harthon. Though McDougall has stated in the past that the Harthon 45's were recorded before the Arctic sessions, the solid dates of the Arctic releases, and the overall sound of the Harthon releases seem to refute that. My guess is that the Harthon recordings (likely involving many of the same musicians and producers as the Arctic 45's) date from late in the Arctic period to just after, probably no later than 1967.
Since the 1960's, due in large part to Northern Soul collectors, DJs and fans in the UK, the sound of the Volcanos has been kept alive. Many of the group's tracks have been reissued on compilations, and as 45s (some bootleg). Some of the Arctic 45's have been out and out bootlegged (with original looking labels), though some have been legitimately repressed by the original distributor. Some of the Harthon recordings (as well as records by the United Four and Lee Garrett) have been reissued as 45's with a plain orange label with black print. In fact, two instrumental tracks of vocals from the Harthon catalog ('It's Gotta Be a False Alarm' by the Volcanos and 'She's Puttin' You On' by the United Four) were reissued as a single - for the Northern Soul market.